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Libreria Jerusalem

Machzor Shabuot Shem Tob

Machzor Shabuot Shem Tob

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Regular price $24.00 USD
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The holiday of Shavuot is the most important and transcendental of all the holidays, on this holiday we “receive the Torah” at Sinai, and if it were not for Shavuot there would be no other holiday since the Torah is where it teaches us to celebrate Pesach, Rosh Hashana, Kippur, Sukkot, etc. Shavuot is conducive to deepening the Jewish heart and identity, Shavuot has the special energy of family and social peace, which is why the prayers contain unique strength, both in Seder Ereb Shavuot and with special Shavuot psalms and the portions for the Torah reading of this day. Edition in Hebrew, Spanish and interlinear phonetics.

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