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Libreria Jerusalem

The Gate of Trust (shaar habitajon)

The Gate of Trust (shaar habitajon)

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An excellent book for learning the measure of Bitachon, trusting in Hashem, knowing that no one can advance what Hashem delayed, nor delay what Hashem advanced, increase what Hashem diminished, nor diminish what Hashem increased. Everything is in Hashem's hands, and you can learn this quality with this great book that will give you peace of mind.

Title : Sháar Habitajón (The Gate of Trust) Category : Musar (Jewish ethics)

Description : The Portico of Trust was written by Rabbeinu Bejaye ibn Pekuda in Spain at the end of the 11th century. It is a chapter from the work Jobov Halevavot (The Code of the Duties of the Heart). This chapter discusses what trust in God is and how we can obtain it. It also explains how a person who trusts in God obtains sustenance compared to someone who does not.

Why I recommend it : This publication is recommended for increasing your emunah. It will bring you peace of mind knowing that there's no need to worry about sustenance. Because with complete trust in God, everything flows. This unique treatise, with its broad and profound advice, will open your mind and soul to meditate on the fact that if a person doesn't trust in God, they will seek their sustenance outside of Him.

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