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Libreria Jerusalem

Educate yesterday and today

Educate yesterday and today

Regular price $18.00 USD
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Among the authoritative voices on education in our generation, we have that of Rabbi Moshe Goldstein. Throughout this book we will learn how to convey the eternal messages of the Torah using methods and terminology that are applicable and appealing to this generation of children and adolescents.

Title : Education yesterday and today, an advance in the education of our children Category : Parenting

Description: For Rabbi Moshe Goldstein, coercing is not the same as educating. What is needed to educate is summarized by the author in the Jinuj that he defines as "a process by which we lead a child to fulfill his obligations stimulated by his own desire." So, in four sections shows the contrast of education versus coercion. The The first section is entitled education against coercion, the second cordial education, the third the path to the truth and the fourth a journey towards yourself.

Because I recommend it : This work will be of great interest to you to educate your children freely without the need to force them to conditional obedience. On the contrary, it will help you train and stimulate them so that they fulfill their obligations without any conditioning. Through this book you will be able to apply the concept of chinuj that will teach your children to do a certain action because it is something they want to do.

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