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Libreria Jerusalem

With hearts full of love

With hearts full of love

Regular price $20.00 USD
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Rabbi Matitiahu Salomon, the illustrious Mashguiach (educational supervisor) of the Lakewood Yeshiva, speaks directly to parents through this book. In its direct and inimitable style, Mashguiach demonstrates that all good-willed parents have the ability to raise happy children who follow in their footsteps.

Title : With hearts full of love Category : Parenting

Description: The illustrious Rabbi Matitiahu Salomón Mashguiach of the Lakewood community exposes here the issue of Jinuj (education). He begins this series of discourses with the theme of being good parents, followed by Chinuch in mitzvot, Chinuch in emunah, Chinuch in midot, Chinuch in activities. Ending with the theme of a higher Jinuj referring to holiness and the World to Come.

Why I recommend it: This book will increase your devotion and your commitment to the Torah. Since, for the author of this book, every father and mother are prepared for the mitzvah of Chinuj (education of children) only that there is a condition to develop that lies in "A conscious devotion to the Torah and to the future of the children already a few basic guidelines.

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